Sunday, November 15, 2009

IGF news story

The Internet Governance Forum (IGF) makes the news ... but probably not for what they expected?

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Historical Thesaurus of English

Last month, I attended the launch of the Historical Thesaurus of English. There's more about this direct from Christian Kay on the OUP blog.

Saturday, September 5, 2009

New articles for the Corpora journal

This week, I've been proof reading the new articles expected to appear in Corpora 4:2. They are:

Becoming a proficient academic writer: shifting lexical preferences in the use of the progressive
Stefanie Wulff and Ute Römer

Korean lexical bundles in conversation and academic texts
YouJin Kim

The making of a BNC customised spoken corpus for comparative purposes
Phoenix Lam

The development of a semantic annotation scheme for Chinese kinship
Yufang Qian and Scott Piao

REVIEW: Hundt, Nesselhauf and Biewer (eds, 2006) Corpus Linguistics and the Web. Amsterdam/New York: Rodopi
Marina Santini

REVIEW: Biber (2006) University Language: A Corpus-based Study of Spoken and Written Registers. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.
Shannon Fitzsimmons-Doolan

Monday, May 4, 2009

LU News: 30th anniversary conference for ICAME

This LU news story explains what has been keeping me busy recently, including a great picture of Geoff at a previous conference.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

BBC News: social networking sites monitored

Would the government ask Royal Mail to keep track of the recipient of each letter or postcard that I send? More press reports on monitoring of the internet ... thanks to Patrick for spotting this one.

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Oldest English words identified?

There's been a flurry of reporting about this research at the University of Reading. Is this bad science, bad journalism or just a bad press release? Here are the links to:

One thing it shows is how difficult it is to explain what we do in the corpus-based study of language. It should not be about whether I like the latest word that has been included in the Oxford English Dictionary, as I've been asked before!!

Sunday, February 15, 2009

European working time directive 2012

Just spotted this note on Alan's blog about the end of the UK university if the 48 hour working maximum is applied. Of course I'm reading this on a Sunday evening :-)

If you use Google Reader to read blogs, have a look at the trends section and it'll tell you what time of day and what day of the week you read blog posts. Not surprisingly, the vast majority of blogs I read on a Sunday evening between 4pm and 11pm!!

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Today is Safer Internet Day

As reported by BBC News and elsewhere. For the main site, visit the InSafe homepage.

Why is it "Safer" and not "Safe"?

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Windows to Mac tips part 3: switching between apps

If you're used to alt-tab on Windows, then you can use cmd-tab on MacOSX to switch between applications. Note that Windows switches between all open windows for each application, whereas the Mac only switches between applications. If you wish to switch between windows within one application then you need cmd-backquote (cmd-`) although I've found that this doesn't work in all apps.

There are more MacOSX keyboard shortcuts on the Apple support site.

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Review of Office 2007 contextual spelling checker

It's worth having a read of Thierry Fontenelle's commentary on Graeme Hirst's review of Office 2007 contextual spelling 
checker to see what the trade off between precision and recall means for users of a word processor.

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